06-14-2010 06:24 AM
I have a problem witch read the DataBuffer of the Velleman K8047.
I dont become Data from the channel 1,2,3 or 4.
I have set in a other vi the channel 1 .
In the buffer i cant read data.
2 files
one file witch the vi of ReadData
two file with the doc for ReadData
06-14-2010 07:05 AM
Hi 4D,
two notes:
-you only provide a buffer of 6 elements, when the doc is talking about 8 elements (don't forget those 2 reserved fields!)
-you provide a buffer of U8 elements, when the doc is talking about "Integer" - please check what "Integer" is referring to!
06-14-2010 07:51 AM
I cant C+. I dont now, is the ReadData.vi true or false.
I have a 8 Integer.In the Busser are the LSB and the MSB Date.
Channel 1 is 0.
In the original software ist in the ReadDate the channel 1 a data (8 oder other).
06-14-2010 10:23 AM
06-14-2010 12:38 PM
4D wrote:I cant C+.
That's OK, since that's not C++ - it's Pascal. In addition to having the correct array size, and the correct integer type, did you configure the Call Library Function Node to use "stdcall" conventions?