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keithley 2182A readout with GPIB

I have trouble reading out the buffer in the keithley 2182A nanovlotmeter after a measurement sweep. I am using the Keithley 2182 buffer developed by Keithley, and am running on Labview 2010. 


When i run the buffer it returns an array with the correct stored measurement values. When i run the vi as a subvi in my larger programme however (as I need to do), it returns an array with the correct number of elements, but with the first stored value in all of the elements of the array. 


I believe the vi was originally made for LabView 8.5. 


Has anybody encountered a similar problem with reading out buffers? Is it a timing issue that when run as a subvi it only reads the first element?

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Message 1 of 5

@Chris.smiet wrote:

I have trouble reading out the buffer in the keithley 2182A nanovlotmeter after a measurement sweep. I am using the Keithley 2182 buffer developed by Keithley, and am running on Labview 2010. 


When i run the buffer it returns an array with the correct stored measurement values. When i run the vi as a subvi in my larger programme however (as I need to do), it returns an array with the correct number of elements, but with the first stored value in all of the elements of the array. 


I believe the vi was originally made for LabView 8.5. 


Has anybody encountered a similar problem with reading out buffers? Is it a timing issue that when run as a subvi it only reads the first element?


You mention a sweep. Do you what the command is in the VI you are using? Do you understand what the command does?





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Message 2 of 5

I use the 2182A nanovoltmeter in conjunction with a 6221 current source, connected with a trigger link cable. (I know i can also address the 2182A via the 6221's vi's and a rs232 cable, but i want to address it directly via GPIB for added flexibility). I perform a current sweep (with 1024 steps) with the 6221 and want to measure the resulant voltage and store it in the buffer of the 2182A. 


The problem is that I cannot read out the buffer of the 2182A  using the given vi as a subvi (as it is supposed to be used). I tried a much simpler vi to store 10 random measurements (no wires attached, what is measured is random) in the buffer (trigger = timer). When I read out the buffer, the vi returns an array with all elements the same, and equal to the first element in the buffer (wich I can read out from the keithley by using the front panel)


I use the "Keithley 2182 buffer" in the keithley 2182 version 6 driver library downloaded from 

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Message 3 of 5

Hi Chris,


Are you definitely giving it all of the inputs that are needed to work correctly when you run it as a subVI, I don't think it has been created in such a way as to force you to wire up all the inputs so if you miss one it won't give you an error but it may not work correctly.


Also, have you contacted Keithley to ask them about it as they will have developed this to be used as a subVI and will probably want to know if it doesn't work correctly.


Kind regards,

James W
Controls Systems Engineer
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Message 4 of 5

@Chris.smiet wrote:

I use the 2182A nanovoltmeter in conjunction with a 6221 current source, connected with a trigger link cable. (I know i can also address the 2182A via the 6221's vi's and a rs232 cable, but i want to address it directly via GPIB for added flexibility). I perform a current sweep (with 1024 steps) with the 6221 and want to measure the resulant voltage and store it in the buffer of the 2182A. 


The problem is that I cannot read out the buffer of the 2182A  using the given vi as a subvi (as it is supposed to be used). I tried a much simpler vi to store 10 random measurements (no wires attached, what is measured is random) in the buffer (trigger = timer). When I read out the buffer, the vi returns an array with all elements the same, and equal to the first element in the buffer (wich I can read out from the keithley by using the front panel)


I use the "Keithley 2182 buffer" in the keithley 2182 version 6 driver library downloaded from 

A trigger link cable? Doesn't that kinda raise a flag?


Do you know what commands are in these VIs you are using? Do you understand what is happening with the triggering of measurements?


Understanding *how* the instruments works is important. And it starts with *reading* the manual.



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Message 5 of 5