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labview 2003 to labview 2011

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I'm completely new to labview and I want to do a compression tests with MTS frame


I got a code that is written in labview 3 but it doesn't work (I believe it's a compabality problem) in labview 2011 (the version that I have access too and my DAQ works with)


I do need to fix it as soon as possible since I'm doing my research and I don't have enough time to understand the code. I'm using PCI-MIO-16E-4 and I need 3 channels for loadcell, extensometer, and crosshead displacement. 


I do appreciate if someone give me a direction to do that




Message 1 of 10

Hello roozbeh 492,


First off- this is unlikely to be an extremely quick upgrade; you may get some assistance with porting the code in the Version Conversion forums here:


however, LabVIEW 3 is quite old (1993, not 2003), and the conversion will have to be done in stages.  Reference this compatability chart for the path required:


How to Upgrade or Revert a VI to a Different Version of LabVIEW


If your VIs only contain logic to process the data from your DAQ, then it may work.  If they interface with drivers required by your test frame, then it is unlikely that simply upgrading the VIs will do you any good.




Tom L.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 10
Accepted by topic author roozbeh492
Your subject says 2003 but your message says version 3 - a huge difference. If you are able to load it, it's not version 3. If you get an error message that the code is to old to convert, then post to the Version Conversion board you see linked to at the top of the page.
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 10

I'm not really sure is 2003 or Labview 3 cuz I got this code from our mechanical test lab technician. I can open that with Labview 2011 and it seems there is no error come up when I run it i can track it through execution, some strings and output indicator and graph don't show anything but in the ouput file I will get some data 

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 10
There is no such thing as LabVIEW 2003.

Your problem is poorly described. You need to provide some details and attach your code. Since you are the only one with the hardware, you are going to have to learn something about LabVIEW.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 10

As I said I'm not sure what the version is and because of that I can't give any more information to convert forum also


Attached is the code, I'm wondering how I can recognize the version!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 10

@roozbeh492 wrote:

Attached is the code, I'm wondering how I can recognize the version!

VI properties show that it is version 10.




That said, the VI seems to be much older originally. Certain clues (Icon style, absense of "stop of true" loop condition, heavy use of stacked sequences and sequence locals (so the code can fit on a 640x480 screen :D) shows me that this code was originally written in LabVIEW 4 or even older.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 10

somebody just saved the file to version on the computer. Can you also tell me what this one's version is



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 10
Why do you care what version it is? You already said you can open and run it and you've already been told that don't need any one to convert it.

You need to pay closer attention and provide details on what is not working.
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 10

@roozbeh492 wrote:

somebody just saved the file to version on the computer. Can you also tell me what this one's version is

I just showed you how to get the source version of any VI via the "VI properties... general" panel. Is there anything preventing you from doing this for any other VI you are looking at? Seems faster than attaching VI after VI here in the forum. 😄


Anyway, the VI is in 7.1, but as Dennis said, it is really irrelevant as long as you can open it in the version you currently have.

0 Kudos
Message 10 of 10