06-08-2016 11:59 PM
These days, I have met one problem.
When i was using labview.exe, the popup window showed " proxy MAYI has stopped working" , then i can no longer open labview.exe "labview isn't a valid win32 application" until the labview is reinstalled.
It has been 3 times and I have tired of installing labview.
Is there anyone can help me solve this problem
06-09-2016 12:15 AM
I would scan the disk for errors and also scan for malware.
06-09-2016 01:21 AM
06-10-2016 04:05 AM
The proxy MAYI says nothing about the detailed information.
And there comes the description of the Labview.exe, is there anything abnormal?
06-10-2016 04:09 AM
06-10-2016 06:02 AM
I have reinstalled the labview 2015,and the description of this program changed to normal.
The description has changed from "proxy MAYI" to "LabVIEW 15.0 Development System"
But, I still don't know what proxy MAYI is?
06-10-2016 07:06 AM
06-10-2016 10:17 AM
Sure looks viral to me.
Your file modified date is 6/9/16 at 12:24 pm. Something modified your LabVIEW.exe
06-10-2016 11:02 PM
Until now I haven't found the root cause, but i have backup the labview.exe.