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Dear engineers from National Instruments;
I am a Masters graduate student at the Federal University of Paraíba, Brazil and come through this forum to get some doubts because my project will using and enjoying the labview 2013 or 8.5 and it is about digital image which consists of the following scheme:

Webcam ---- image --- subimage (cut) --- Sweep (pixels) output an array of RGB values to CIELAB and transform ---- xy or cie graph of transmittance versus wavelength. (T versus wavelength or absorbance versus wavelength) where we take the spectrum from violet to red in the visible spectrum.

The problem right now is knowing sweep the pixels and get its properties, and further, qualque help will be appreciated.



Prezados engenheiros da national Instruments;
Sou um aluno mestrado da pós-graduação da Universidade Federal da Paraíba,brasileiro e venho por meio deste forum de discussão para tirar algumas duvidas,pois meu projeto vou utlizar o labview 2013 ou 8.5 e se tratar sobre imagem digital onde consiste da seguinte esquema:

Webcan ---- imagem--- subimagem (recorte)--- varrer (pixels) de saida uma matriz de valores RGB e transformar para cielab ou cie xy---- grafico de transmitância versus comprimento de onda. ( t versus comprimento de onda ou absorvância versus comprimento de onda) onde vamos pegar o espectro do violeta até o vermelho no espectro visivel.

A problemática nesse momento é saber varrer o pixels e obter suas propriedades e adiante ,qualque ajuda será bem vinda.


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 8

You've posted 3 separatae threads with the same question- please keep it to one thread. Your question is not clear so I am not sure if anyone will be able to answer it.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

sorry, did not know how it was sent there in doubt had sent more consider one question:
the goal is to take a doubt on the subject of my master problem that will be done in 2013 or LabVIEW 8.5
è and on digital imaging.

The question is: how to scan the pixels to transform into an array of RGB values. And then turning to the aparti CIELAB or EIE xy and also make the graph of transmitânca versus wavelength in the visible spectrum.

The colors of violet to red (ie the colors of the rainbow)


Tradução caso que o inglês não seja intendivel:


desculpa,é não sabia como enviava aí fiquei em duvida se tinha enviando,mais considere só uma pergunta:
o objetivo é tirar uma duvida sobre o tema do meu problema do mestrado que vai ser feito em LAbview 2013 ou 8.5
è e sobre imagem digital.

A dúvida é : como varrer o pixels para transformar em uma matriz de valores RGB. E aparti da daí transformar para cielab ou EIE xy e disso fazer o grafico de transmitânca versus comprimento de onda no espectro visivel.

As cores de violeta ao vermelho ( ou seja a cores do arco-iris)



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8

E as propriedades

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 8
Hi Helton2,

I didn't understand your problem completely. Let me give you some hints on proceeding further
-For capturing images from webcam, you need Vision Acquisition software.
-For processing images you need Vision Development Module (I hope you have these two first to proceed).

-If you want to extract single color plane alone you can use IMAQ Extract single color plane and you can select which color plane you want extract.
-If you want to replace color plane also, You can use IMAQ Replace Color plane
-If you want to convert RGB image to other color planes like HSL,HSI, CIE L*a*b or CIE XYZ you can use IMAQ convert RGB to color vi.
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8



In this example it's possible to bring the 2D arrays R, G and B of one image.


This example it's just a help to initialize you application. I suggest that you work hard using his example how support.


Good Luck in Your Application!

Best Regards

Rita Souza
Engenharia de Aplicações
National Instruments Brazil

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

Hello everyone,

I am with a doubt in LabVIEW. Can I put a VI in charge "Invoke Node"? Attached shows an illustration of what I like to do.






0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

@jfferraz wrote:

Hello everyone,

I am with a doubt in LabVIEW. Can I put a VI in charge "Invoke Node"? Attached shows an illustration of what I like to do.






This has nothing to do with the earlier topic of this thread and you should have started a new discussion.


It is not clear at all what you want to do. It is not sufficient to show two context help images and an arrow. What does the arrow represent? what is the meaning of "put"? What is the meaning of "in charge"?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8