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labview myRIO FPGA project error

Labview 2021 sp1 / myrio-1900 / myrio software bundle


After compiling FPGA vi(It works well), an error occurred in the RT main vi.


An internal software error has occurred. Contact National Instruments technical support at Error details:
1320 : Property Node (arg 2) in>>>>>>


How can I fix this?


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(448 Views) wrote:

Labview 2021 sp1 / myrio-1900 / myrio software bundle


After compiling FPGA vi(It works well), an error occurred in the RT main vi.


An internal software error has occurred. Contact National Instruments technical support at Error details:
1320 : Property Node (arg 2) in>>>>>>


How can I fix this?


The "problem" is either hardware or software.  To rule out hardware (i.e. a "bad chip" in your myRIO), try connecting a different myRIO to your PC and see if you get exactly the same error.  [I'm guessing that you will see exactly the same failure].  If you see exactly the same failure, the problem is almost certainly a problem with the software, either the FPGA code or the non-fpga code you are trying to run on the myRIO.


Without seeing the code (including the FPGA code), it is challenging to "guess" why you get the error message you show.  Also, just because the FPGA compiles properly doesn't mean that it will run without problems, particularly when you try to interact with it on the "Real-Time" part of the myRIO code.  


Installing LabVIEW and the modules to properly support the myRIO can be tricky.  Are you certain the software has been properly installed?  Do you know that the myRIO's firmware and software are all present?  


Is there a possibility that there is a bug in your code, that maybe the code is doing what you asked/told it to do, rather than what you want it to do?  Of course, we neither know what your code should do, and definitely have no idea how you tried to do it as you failed to post it!  And please, post actual LabVIEW 2021 VIs (or, perhaps, an entire Project, compressed by right-clicking the folder, "Send to:", "Compressed (zipped) folder" and attaching the resulting .zip file.


Oh!  I just re-read your first line -- you installed LabVIEW 2021 SP1 along with some unknown myRIO Software Bundle.  I apologize for missing that.  When did you install it?  What version of the myRIO Software Bundle did you install?  Precisely how did you install it?  When you start LabVIEW 2021, does the Splash Screen look like this (showing the myRIO Toolkit)?myRIO Software Toolkit 2021.png

 [Note -- getting that picture took me well almost until the end of 2022 to accomplish.  This was definitely the most frustrating LabVIEW installation I have ever attempted.]


Bob Schor


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