02-05-2009 08:32 AM
Which of the following statements is true regarding the use of Clusters
a. Thje first object placed in Cluster is designated as elememnt zero
b. If you delete an element in a cluster, you must read just the order of tghe elements manually
c. Cluster elements are ordered based on their position in the shell.
d. both A @ B
e. Both B @ C
I xsay answerr is "A"
am i correct?
02-05-2009 09:06 AM
02-05-2009 09:17 AM
I agree, I did some of that b ut I lack confidence in what I am seeing. Then sosme of the things tghey ask about I just do not know how to do and no one to show me. When I take these tests it does not inidacte whihc quyestion I answerr correct plus what correct answer is.
Not easy way to lkearn
02-05-2009 09:40 AM
02-05-2009 12:53 PM
i hope there are some guys on this board that actually want to help people with less programming skills, ratrher than showing off how freaking smart they are. If your arrogant, please do not help me. On the other hand, with this tuff economoic situation, some folk may understand we al need help of various sorts throught our lives.
I do not know how to work this board i do know the culture and I can make as man y threads as I wnat to trach my issues. Noone makes the ruilkes here except NI, and they toild me what I am doing is fine
02-05-2009 12:56 PM
02-05-2009 01:43 PM
02-05-2009 04:51 PM
02-05-2009 04:54 PM
02-05-2009 04:57 PM