03-11-2008 12:16 PM
03-11-2008 12:34 PM
03-11-2008 12:35 PM
03-11-2008 12:53 PM
I will try to add some details for a spelling program I have in mind in case more details are needed to help those offering advice on the LabVIEW vs Visual Basic/C, etc. I would like the use to be able to enter a list of words that will be taught/maintained for the student. For words on maintenance, an verbal instruction will be given (ie. "spell chair") and the student will be asked to type in the word. If the student makes an error when typing, the letter will flash and if the student does not correct the letter properly, the correct letter will be popped up. For new words that are on acquisition, the target word will be displayed and then the student will type the word in a different field. Letters will faded from the displayed word so the student is having to remember more of the word over time. Some type of token system will be displayed so the students will earn rewards (ie. 30 seconds of a pop up computer game) after a number of words are typed. For a reading comprehension program, I would like to display pages of a story with audio and text and after the short story have some worksheet type of activities such as displaying a picture of the story and have the student select which phrase from a field of 2 or 3 phrases best describes the picture. The reverse may also be a good idea - to have a phrase from the story and have the student select which picture best applies. There may also be activities such as dragging and dropping scenes from the story into the correct order. Some of the stories may involve new verbs for the students and verbs are best displayed in video so this may be part of the program. I hope this helps give more detals and greatly appreciate all the help.
03-11-2008 12:57 PM
03-11-2008 02:33 PM
I don't have enough practical experience with other languages to be able to make an informed comparison. I know I did some pure software programs in LabVIEW and they weren't that hard to create. Perhaps using VS would have been easier if I knew it. That said, I think there is relevance to the amount of experience you have with a language - learning a new one might be too hard if you can do it with the one you already know.
One very important point which was brought up was the legal issue - if you don't own LabVIEW, you probably can't sell stuff you wrote using it.
As for the technical side, what you describe seems possible and some of it is stuff I already did myself (e.g. selecting an image from a list based on text, dragging and dropping stuff). The key is just to know or figure out how to do it. It might be easier to do it with VS, but I don't have any experience with it, so I can't say.
I don't remember having any issues with distributing such applications. As long as you don't have any special dependencies, the standard installer you create with your app will include what is needed. The main problem is that in 8.x, that installer gets to be dozens of MBs. That might be a problem when downloading.
03-12-2008 09:26 AM
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03-12-2008 09:53 AM
03-12-2008 09:53 AM - edited 03-12-2008 09:54 AM