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lost connection between access and labview through udl file when create installer set up file

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hellow for every one.

i am working to develop an application for aclient that depend on ni database toolkit with access program.when i coded the application on host PC and created a datalink udl file "fdb.udl" every things went well. the access file named with "foodbase" as shown in picture "f1".


the problem is when build application and make installer set up for client, the application lost the data link that built between labview and access file, so the application not make any response since it can not link with access file through udl file.


perhaps the microsoft get 4.00 not installed on the client PC and i tried to add it from aditional installer when build installer files but i do not know how.

can you help me for this problem if anyone faced the same one? 

anas alhraine
Download All
0 Kudos
Message 1 of 11

It would be more interesting to see the LabVIEW code where you define the path to the file.

It also helps if you would mention the error code you get.


(see also)


PS: did you know that you can embed images directly in the post? This helps us prevent stress injuries from all the extra clicking. 😄

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 11

I didn't have any error on my code on my PC ( host) and the code working on my PC , but when i developed the installer files and install the the app. On the client PC , every thing going well except the linkage between the access and app. ( i.e the application can't read and write on access file).

I will provide you with the code on client PC tomorrow.


Note .

I now know how to embed the picture in my post. Thank you for response again 

anas alhraine
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 11

good morning,

this is my project files code, database file and udl link file.

it would be great to see. perhaps i make mistake when building exe and intaller files.

best regards

anas alhraine
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 11

I'm sorry for a lot of replies.

This picture from the client PC, every thing is well except the communication between the application and access through udl file "fdb".


The normal action that when enter the id of patient that will be "1" on id number control the application must read the database access file and return the information of patient such as "full name , age,weight ,hight ..." that have been stored in "foodbase  " access file.


The yellow rectangle is the path for fdb.udl file and that correct.


I hope that the idea is clear for you.


Best regards.


anas alhraine
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 11



By looking into your project your UDL file is not included into your build. Do you copy paste it manually ? 

If included into "Always included" il will goes into a "Data" folder and thus your function Current VI's path will fail, pay attention to that.


If the UDL file is on the client PC, have you tried to check the connection directly at the UDL file level?


0 Kudos
Message 6 of 11

One other obvious problem is that the UDL file references the MDB file to be at D:\شغل\برنامج التغذية\البرنامج الرئيسي\subvis\foodbase.mdb

But you (try to) install it into C:\Program Files\food calc\...

Rolf Kalbermatter
My Blog
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 11

Thank you for response,

Yes the udl file is on client PC .


How can i check directly the connection of udl file level? 

anas alhraine
0 Kudos
Message 8 of 11

Do you mean that the path of udl file or mdb file must be the same on client PC i.e (the same of the host PC)?

anas alhraine
0 Kudos
Message 9 of 11

I have tried to install the food base on the c/ program files/food calc...


I built another data link with new path so the program run well. And the problem solved. 


This picture from client PC. 


Thank you for all.


anas alhraine
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 11