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measure multiple frequencies with one cdaq9178 and one NI 9401?

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I am trying to measure two dynamic frequencies with a cDAQ9178-Board and one NI9401-Card. The frequencies arrive as TTL-Signals and are routed to the Inputs PFI0 and PFI4. When i try to monitor the signals in DAQMAX, i can´t separate them. On both lines the Counter registrates the flanks from both signals. If i just connect one Signal to one of the Inlines, i don´t have any interferrence, but if both wires are connected both signals occur on each line. Do you suggest a wiring-Problem or is there in interferrence elsewhere? 


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Message 1 of 8

How are you wiring them up? Sounds like maybe you have connected both SRC and GATE? 


Also, to use counters 1&2 you would be using PFI 1 and PFI 4, not PFI 0 and PFI 4.


The link below could solve your problem. It is for a NI9411, but applies to the 9401 as well.


And the link below contains the pinout and PFI assignments chart for the NI9401 about 3/4 of the way down the article.


Best of Luck!,

Corey Rotunno

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 8

Hello Corey,


the first signal is wired to pin 14( PFI 0, CTR 0 SRC) and the second one is wired to pin 20 (PFI 4, CTR 1 SRC).


PFI 1 would be pin 16 (CTR 0 GATE), right?

thank you and best regards 


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 8
Accepted by topic author Madmax14

My mistake, I was wrong. This is the document I used to get up and running. It appears for your card PFI 1 & 5 might be the ticket if you are doing single counter frequency measurements. If you are using the 2 counter measurements then it's a little different.


Out of curiosity, where are the ground for your TTL signals tied to? I use the same common as your counters are using.

Corey Rotunno

Message 4 of 8

The ground for the TTL-Signals are tied to different meaurement-card(NI 9205). I am using two meausure-hubs for torque and rev measurement. The ground is important as reference for the voltage. should i also connect the ground-lines to the COM-Pin of the NI 9401?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 8


Corey Rotunno

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 8

hello corey, 


now with both TTL-ground also wired to the COM-pin of the NI9401, the interference between the signals is gone. Torque and rev-measurement are working properly.


Thank you very much. 


0 Kudos
Message 7 of 8

Good to hear and thanks for the kudos!

Corey Rotunno

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 8