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modbus RTU protocol datatypes

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          I am using ADAM series with Modbus RTU protocol.which data type should i use for read and write operation?

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Message 1 of 58
We need to know what ADAM module you are using. Does it have digital input/outputs, or is it an analog input/output?? If it is digital, you would use the discrete modbus functions(modbus functions 1,2). If it is analog, you would use the register functions(modbus functions 3,4)
Message 2 of 58
I am using ADAM series 4019,4055,4024,4520.In my application analog signal change to which data type should i use?how to detect device through Labview?
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 58

You will need to read holding registers to get the analog data. But the modules also have some alarming done with discrete coils. Look at Appendix H in the manual here.


These devices connect to an RS485 network. I would also download the NI modbus library.


Modbus is a master/slave setup. The master(computer) will write a command to the slave. The slave(ADAM) will respond with the data requested. Your labview code will need to poll these devices. periodically.

Message 4 of 58
Does this Modbus Library support to labview 8.5?How to detect particular device number to get input n labview?
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 58

The ModBUS library will work in LV 8.5.  You may need to resave the library files once you open them in LV 8.5.


shubhlaxmi22 wrote:
How to detect particular device number to get input n labview?

Not sure what you mean by this.  You will need to know the slave address of your device and enter it appropriately in LV as a constant when you use the ModBUS subVI's.

Message 6 of 58
Thanks for reply.I am able to do communication with digital do communicate with analog signal?which data type should use?
0 Kudos
Message 7 of 58
You should use read holding registers to get the 40xxx data values.
Message 8 of 58

Hello Sir,

                I got success in analog communication but register value which i get in software what should it indicate?4019 device is analog i/p device and my thermocouple instrument is connected to vin0+ and do i get value from that instrument?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 58

Hi shubhlaxmi22,


Could you please attach an image of your block diagram as well?  This will help me understand your current programming scheme.  Thank you in advance.




Todd V.

Applications Engineer 

National Instruments
Applications Engineer
NI Prototyping Community
Message 10 of 58