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multiple data points to boolean indiacator

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I'm running a program (which I'm still trying to work out the data log kinks on) where I need to take several different channels, and give me a warning if the temperature is above a certain limit. I'm running 7 channels from fieldpoint into an array and sending it to a waveform graph. I want each of those signals being read to trigger a boolean indiactor (LED) if the ambient temperature is over 83. I'm going to be using this for fire testing so ideally the temperature will be much higher later (say 1600) and it is very important that I get this down before we use the .vi in the test fires.


For some reason when I go to write to spread sheet file, I am getting 1 column of data at the last point gathered. There is also no time stamp on the left most column. I need to be sure data is collected about every second and is logged in this file.


I was also wondering if someone knew how to change the names of write to spreadsheet file destination (the fiel you're creating) just one time instead of putting the path in there. Eventually we're going to be running several tests and we don't want to overwrite any tests by accident. Please if anyone could help with anything that would be great. Thanks!




PS working with version 8.6



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Message 1 of 44
Accepted by topic author tanyasue327

Well we can address one thing at a time. First this is one way you could do the evaluation of the Boolean values.




I think I would split up the data collection and data processing into two loops. Have one loop that just takes data and one that processes data. This will also allow for a state machine architecture. This would allow for you do do check to see if a file exists already before starting and a few other things.



0 Kudos
Message 2 of 44

Great thanks so much. This seems to be working just fine, the issue is I cannot find this block to evaluate booleans. Is there something I can add to the or function in the palette or am I missing something? Also when you say make 2 loops so one for the FP modules and the other for just saving the file? I think I understand but I'm not quite sure. Thanks for the speedy replies!



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Message 3 of 44

THat block is in the math functions.



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Message 4 of 44

If you right click on the function you will see that you can set it up to evaluate add, multiply, devide, or, and and exclusive or.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 44

Yeah I just caught that, didn't know that the math function had "OR" in it. Thanks!

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 44

How are you looking to do your time aatmp? DO you just need one time stamp or do you need to have a time for every value?

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Message 7 of 44

I need a time for every value thank you for asking. Everything is working great right now while running, now I just need to get the time stamp in and everything should be all set.

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Message 8 of 44

Also do you know if there is a way i can flip the way the write to spreadsheet data log to do 7 columns(one for each channel) and n rows, for however many time steps. It seems to be doing this backwards


Showing a clip of the drawing sorry for the sloppy explanation with the pen. I can't draw with a mouse.

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Message 9 of 44

Do you want the same time for every value or do you want the time to be calculated based on sampling rate?



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Message 10 of 44