07-07-2016 08:20 AM
Hi, I downloaded labview 2015 on my Mac, I also downloaded nidaq base 15.0. I can't find daq assistant anywhere. How can I get this to work? Should I download different software (most of it isn't compatible with mac)?
07-07-2016 08:30 AM
I believe the DAQ assistant is only a part of DAQmx, not DAQ base. Which means you can't use it on a Mac.
07-07-2016 08:36 AM
You are in luck -- I don't have to tell you "Please don't use the Dreaded DAQ Assistant". Instead, please do a Web search for "Learn 10 functions in NI-DAQmx", read the excellent NI White Paper, and apply what you learn. You'll find that almost all simple DAQ tasks can be performed with 3-5 DAQmx functions that are easy to understand and to program, allowing you to easily see the loops (because you create them yourself, explicitly) and where the acquisition starts and stops (again, because you say "Start" and "Stop").
Bob Schor
07-07-2016 11:43 AM
Thank you! I am still a bit unclear on which function I can use as in input for the task.
07-07-2016 12:39 PM
If you are using LabVIEW Project, create the Task in Project (right-click My Computer, New Task). Otherwise, open MAX, find your DAQ device, and create the appropriate Task in MAX. When you are ready for the Task (the input to your first DAQmx function), right-click, Create Constant. This gives you a "blank" task, with a little triangle asking you to click and choose. When you click it, you will see all of the Tasks that LabVIEW knows about, specifically all the Tasks defined in the Project and defined in MAX (they have slightly different icons so you can distinguish them). Select the correct task, and have fun.
Bob Schor
07-07-2016 03:38 PM
The DAQ Assistant is an unnecessary crutch. There are excellent examples provided with LabVIEW that will jump start your DAQ code just as well AND teach you how to use the DAQmx functions so when you out-grow the silly assistant you'll have the base knowledge to move forward with more advanced features the assistants and express VIs can't handle.
Help > Find Examples... Hardware I/O > DAQmx > Analog In I would suggest you start with Voltage - Continuous Input.vi. Open it up and see how the example sets up a channel, controls timing, triggering, etc. Once you understand the basics of how it works, start modifying the code until it suits your purpose. Play around with other examples and see what they do. They're a great way to learn.
07-08-2016 12:04 PM
Interesting. I can't seem to find MAX on my computer, and when I click on hardware I/O under examples there isn't a DAQmx option. Thank you for all of your help