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ni-driver installation from docker

Hi, i want to install the daq driver from in windows docker. i used this commands in the dockerfile:

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image

# Define the work dir
WORKDIR /home/automation

# Download and install Python
RUN ["powershell", "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -UseBasicParsing -OutFile python-installer.exe"]
RUN ["powershell", "Start-Process python-installer.exe -Wait -ArgumentList '/quiet InstallAllUsers=1 PrependPath=1'"]
RUN ["powershell", "Remove-Item python-installer.exe"]

# Download and install ni-driver
RUN ["powershell", "Invoke-WebRequest -Uri -OutFile ni-daqmx_installer.exe"]
RUN ["powershell", "ni-daqmx_installer.exe --passive"]
RUN ["powershell", "Remove-Item ni-daqmx_installer.exe"]

bassicaly this is the command i use in powershell:
ni-daqmx_installer.exe --passive

but for some reason the installation isnt complete, only manually i can complete it.


can someone help me figure out how to complete the installation passively/quietly?


p.s. i couldnt find the right subject for it sorry

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Message 1 of 3

A challenging aspect of LabVIEW is installing it.  I always volunteer to do it for my colleagues and students.  NIPM was "supposed" to help automate it, but we aren't there, yet.  I'm a believer in "installing the minimum necessary", but even then, a trouble-free installation of LabVIEW is, in my experience, has, at best, a 40% chance of success on the first try.


Based on my own experience with hundreds of LabVIEW installations, I cannot imagine an "automated" installation (at least, not at the present time).


Bob Schor

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Message 2 of 3

Yehonatan, the issue is likely that almost all NI software installed non-interactively must specify --accept-eulas due to the NI license agreement that is minimally displayed when run interactively, and you may need to consider --prevent-reboot as well. You can refer to Automating an Installer for more information.


FWIW, I am not that familiar with using docker, but when I did this a while ago, I believe that any NI software installation that installs a kernel driver would error. However, if you are able to install interactively, non-interactive should also just work.

Scott Richardson
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Message 3 of 3