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number to hexadecimal string


I wonder whether anybody can give me a hint. Please, see the tiny vi in the attachment. I'd like to convert an integer number into a hexadecimal string. Why do I not get the expected "00" if I want to convert "0"? Rather the function delivers "30". Strange, strange...

Thanks for any tip,
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Message 1 of 5
Refer to this chart for the ascii character conversions.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5

You have to use the normal view of the string indicator. Not the hex view.
See also adjusted vi…
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5
You don't need to have the string indicator in 'Hex' display mode. The 'Number to Hex String' function will output a string in Hex notation of the input number. The Hex display mode for the string indicator actually displays the ASCII representation of the string in the indicator, which is normally in hex notation.

If you always want at least 2 digits in the string, change the width(-) terminal to 2. This way, a 0 on the input number will result in a 00 string representation.


Ed Dickens - Certified LabVIEW Architect - DISTek Integration, Inc. - NI Certified Alliance Partner
Using the Abort button to stop your VI is like using a tree to stop your car. It works, but there may be consequences.
Message 4 of 5
Thanks a lot for your fast and helpful response!
0 Kudos
Message 5 of 5