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numbers rounding up in excel

Hi everyone


I have searched through the forums for help, asked co workers, everything and have come up with nothing.


I have a HUGE .vi. Right now when recording data (using FieldPoint which I hate), the excel file rounds the numbers up. For example my Gas analyzers (G-101A) will read 0.00435 Amps in the subVI but when it goes to the excel file I'm recording 0.004 Amps. I need the full string for proper data analysis. I have attached the .vi.


You can see where the data saves in and if you look at downstairs instrumentation, this .vi when ran alongside with it will display the proper numbers. I need to save these in the excel sheet not the rounded numbers. Since this is such a big .vi I don't know how to tackle this properly


Any help would be amazing.




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LV function 'Write to Spreadsheet' has a format terminal.  Wire up a string constant '%.5f' to this terminal to get 5 decimal places.




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