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oscillscope project


Thanks JoeLabVIEW for that example.  Is that what you are trying to achieve?

Are you trying to create a signal from within LabVIEW or to acquire a signal with your NI-9205?  It sounds like you are trying to do the second.

The easiest starting point for you would be to look at examples that come with LabVIEW.  You can navigate to Help » Find Examples ... , and browse to Hardware Input and Output » DAQmx » Analog Measurements, and select a simple example like Acq & Graph Voltage - Int

If you want to start out really simple with LabVIEW, you could also use the DAQ Assistant to acquire these signals, and the setup should be fairly straightforward.
Although if your code requires more advanced functionality or special constraints, it will be much better for you to use the DAQmx functions like in the examples.

Bonne chance avec votre application!


0 Kudos
Message 21 of 401
Hi Kam , I have a meeting concerning oscill project today !!! what do u think should i ask for to really set up every thing ?
Thank you
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 22 of 401

If you have all the hardware setup, the next step would be to use the DAQ Assistant to setup you output and input channels. 

Start with simple sine wave generation and acquisition.  I think they are found in the examples FieldKam mentionned.


Message 23 of 401
I have this VI , it is running on my DaqMod2/ai0 (channel # 0) but i can see only a line i connot see a signal why ?

LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 24 of 401
You need to put the chart inside the loop. Otherwise, it will only display the last reading since the while loop will not provide data until it is done. Also, the DAQ configuration and close should be outside the loop. It is pointless to configure and close at each iteration. You really should look at the examples that ship with LabVIEW.


To learn more about LabVIEW it is recommended that you go through the tutorial(s) and look over the material in the NI Developer Zone's Learning Center which provides links to other materials and other tutorials. You can also take the online courses for free.
Message 25 of 401

HI guys , I have a question!!! if i wanna measure 16 channels at the same time from my devices (all voltage meaurement) should i copy paste my code 16 times ? 😞 let`s say 8 channels for oscilloscope 4 for EMG signals and 4 for force plate ?

Note : i wanna see all the channels on my front panel (wave form chart)

LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 26 of 401
No, you do not copy and paste anything. Make the changes as mentioned above and change the DAQmx Read to NChan 1Samp and you are done. You could also simply use one of the shipping examples that has already been pointed out to you!
0 Kudos
Message 27 of 401
1- I tried with N channels 1 sample but my wires got cut off , can you tell me why ?
2- If i use N channels/ 1 Sample will all my channels on the same wavechart window ?
3- Is there any example with more than 2  channels shipped with labView ?
thank you
LV 8.2
0 Kudos
Message 28 of 401
That's a different example than the one you had posted earlier! The one you just posted did not require a change to the DAQmx Read at all. It just required a change to the array indexing as already mentioned.
Message 29 of 401
Dennis must have clearly forgotten to take his mind-reading pill this morning so that he would have immediately known the poster changed the code without telling anybody. Smiley Very Happy
Message 30 of 401