Yes you should be able to do that. You have 16 analog inputs. For differential you will use two of those per channel. See the DAQ M series user manual.
You can program channels on an M Series device to acquire with different ground references.To enable m
ultimode scanning in LabVIEW, use NI-DAQmx Create Virtual of the NI-DAQmx API. You must use a new VI for
each channel or group of channels configured in a different input mode.
Remeber that for a differential that you would wire for example AI 0 to the + side and AI 8 to the - side. So now you can't use the AI 8 for single ended. AI 1 is related to AI 9 etc. up to AI 7, AI 16.
Hope this helps.
Now Using LabVIEW 2019SP1 and TestStand 2019