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place control into a custom control file

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Hello everyone,


I am new to LabView and have a simple question. I am customizing a LV example for my purpose. There is a custom control file used in the example. I am creating a new control (combobox) and would like to place this control into the custom control file so that I can pass it to various sub-vi for various purpose (e.g. initialization).


The attached diagram shows the combobox control (DUT Model) on a front panel and the custom control file (TestStand UI Data.ctl). My questions are as follow:


1. What are those symbols with pink arrow (i.e. Terminate/Restart Button, etc...)in the TestStand UI Data.ctl file? (see attached diagram). Are they symbol for references data type?

2. How do I place my combobox DUT Model into the custom control file so that I can pass it via the control file to various sub-vi? I tried to right click on the control and use create->constant or reference, but they did not change it to the pink arrow symbol element.


I hope someone can help solve my problems. Thanks in advance.




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Message 1 of 5

The best way to figure out what something is when you're unsure is to use Context Help.  Hit Ctrl+H to pop that window open and then hover over what you're unsure about.  You're also able to right-click on it and go to Visible->Label.  But, yes they're references.


The reference symbol looks different depending on how specific it is to that object.

Message 2 of 5
Accepted by topic author hlim

@hlim wrote:

Hello everyone,


I am new to LabView and have a simple question. I am customizing a LV example for my purpose. There is a custom control file used in the example. I am creating a new control (combobox) and would like to place this control into the custom control file so that I can pass it to various sub-vi for various purpose (e.g. initialization).


The attached diagram shows the combobox control (DUT Model) on a front panel and the custom control file (TestStand UI Data.ctl). My questions are as follow:


1. What are those symbols with pink arrow (i.e. Terminate/Restart Button, etc...)in the TestStand UI Data.ctl file? (see attached diagram). Are they symbol for references data type?

2. How do I place my combobox DUT Model into the custom control file so that I can pass it via the control file to various sub-vi? I tried to right click on the control and use create->constant or reference, but they did not change it to the pink arrow symbol element.


I hope someone can help solve my problems. Thanks in advance.




You don't want to overwrite the "custom controls" that are part of LabVIEW.  However, you can create your own "custom control" by dropping, say, TestStand UI Data.ctl on your Block Diagram, right-clicking and choosing Open Type Def (which opens the NI definition, the one you do not want to change), make whatever additions or changes you want, then do a File/Save As and save it in your Project Folder with a custom name that you make up.


Those pink arrow symbols are references -- you can find them by looking in the Refnum palette.  I'm not sure what they are references to, however.


As a suggestion, instead of sending us just a picture with items circled, send the actual Control so we can look at it and maybe tell you more details.


Bob Schor

Message 3 of 5

Hello natasftw,

thanks. I almost forgot the context help. Thanks for reminding me to use it.




0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Hello Bob Schor,


Ok, got it. Those symbols refer to references (automation refnum).


I guess I am not going to use the automation refnum for my control since it is meant for Active X control. I am going to use the control refnum instead.


Good to know that it is better to attach a vi than a jpeg file. I also thought that opening a vi file is such a pain with all those file not found error for having the incompatible LV version or toolkits.






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Message 5 of 5