04-18-2012 05:38 PM
@Darin.K wrote:
johnsold wrote: Edit: Hey, If we help their retirement funds, does that give us better chances of some day catching up with their post counts?
Your logic is escaping me here. Retirement=More free time=Fewer posts to the forum?
I'm hoping post count is stored as a U16- the only dang way I'm likely to come close- even ploting on a log scale!
10-21-2013 04:38 AM
I am trying to generate a sinus signal (and others) by getting an ouput array (with a formula node) that sholud fit the maximal resolution of my card (if I am not wrong the resolution is 20V/2**16 =>305uV).
The problem is that I get only 5 decimals on the output (float32). Why?
-Labview 2013
-PCI X 6321
10-21-2013 08:46 AM
I can't open your VI because it is too new.
But I'm going to guess that you the 5 decimals you are seeing is because that is the display format of your indicator. Try changing the display format to show more decimals.
10-21-2013 09:23 AM
Yes, you are right. Sorry for the stupid question.