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problem with tkdpo7k fetch waveform

I´m programming in labview and I meet a problem with the VI tkdpo7k fetch waveform.

I went in different forum to find a solution and I realized that problem often returned and the solution has been to download the last driver version of the device.


But the last driver version of my device (DPO 7354) is it compatible with the old labview version 7.1?  

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Message 1 of 13

The download pages for the driver list the versions of LabVIEW and as you can see, 8.0 is the earliest. Download that and post it to the Version Conversion board. You could also explain exactly what your problem is.

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 13

thank you but I resolved my problem (i used a low level VI to show a graph on the laptop wich came from the oscilloscope).

Now I would like control the resolution of the oscilloscope but i don´t find a VI to control that. (there is only the VI tkdpo7k Configure Timebase, where i can change the timebase and the record lenght).


So you don´t now if there is a VI to control the resolution or the sample rate ( resolution=(1/sample rate) ) ?

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Message 3 of 13

The Configure Timebase function does control the resolution.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 13

How? because I don´t see a resolution input on the VI (tkdpo7k configure timebase).


what does tkdpo7k configure acquisition mean?

what is it function (could you give me more details)?


and last question, i would like determine the abscisse x thanks to the ordonnee y, but i didn´t find a VI wich is able to do that.

( there is the VI wich determine a ponctual value of y thanks to x, but not the opposit)

so could you say me if this VI is there?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 13

@compatibility last drivers tkdpo7k fetch wrote:

How? because I don´t see a resolution input on the VI (tkdpo7k configure timebase).


what does tkdpo7k configure acquisition mean?

what is it function (could you give me more details)?


and last question, i would like determine the abscisse x thanks to the ordonnee y, but i didn´t find a VI wich is able to do that.

( there is the VI wich determine a ponctual value of y thanks to x, but not the opposit)

so could you say me if this VI is there?

Open the VI and see what command(s) are being sent.

Then read the programmer's manual for the instrument to see what those commands do.

Don't blindly use a VI without understanding what it is suppose to do.



0 Kudos
Message 6 of 13

Or for that matter, understanding how a scope is used and it's terminology. When you set the timebase, you are affectively changing the sample rate.

0 Kudos
Message 7 of 13

I would like known if there is a VI which can carry out a non linear least-squares method on the software Labview?

0 Kudos
Message 8 of 13

What does this have to do with your original question? You should have started a new thread. Look at the Mathematics>Fitting palette.

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 13



I use the LabVIEW software (version 7.1) on an OS windows XP an the oscilloscope is switched on an ethernet wire.


I think, i met a quite similar problem, because when i run my program a first one, everything is ok but the second there is the error 1074000000.


"error-1074000000 comes from tkdpo7k error



               intrument reports:

               402, `operation complete´

               2241 `wavefrom requested is invalid; wavefrom data not available; CURV?´

               410, `Query INTERRUPTED´

               0, `No events to report - queue empty´ 


I reade in another topics:


and i saw that is an frequently error.


I think the problem comes from the tkpdo7k read driver wich is wrong. Could you say me if my idea is right, or if i have programming error?

and if it is the case could you say me where i can load the new driver and if my old LabVIEW version is adapt with the new driver


I wait your answer as soon as possible (there are my program in attached pieces).



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Message 10 of 13