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Établir un VI qui permet de remplir itérativement un tableau 1D dans l'ordre croissant en temps réel toutes les secondes avec des entiers entre 0 et 100."???

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Message 1 of 3

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Google translate of question:  Establish a VI that allows a 1D array to be iteratively populated in ascending order in real time every second with integers between 0 and 100."???


LabVIEW Tutorial (


LabVIEW Pro Dev & Measurement Studio Pro (VS Pro) 2019
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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by NASSIM18

@NASSIM18 wrote:

In English: Establish a VI that iteratively fills a 1D array in ascending order in real time every second with integers between 0 and 100."????

We don't do homework. What have you tried and where did you get stuck? Show us your efforts.


You also need to define the problem better, especially the term "between". Are boundaries included?

is it 1..99 (99 points), 0..100 (101 points), or something else? Should the array grow in size or initially be populated with default values  (0? NaN?, -Inf? etc.) to be modified?


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Message 3 of 3