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probleme de consigne


Un collegue m'a préparé un programme labview pour piloter un ensemble d'alimentation de marque TTi (pas de driver mais via Visa).

Pour une raison inconnue, j'arrive bien à activer ces alims mais je n arrive pas à mettre de consigne (valeur de tension par exemple).

Le programme trouve bien les ports USB.

Avez vous une idée du probleme?

Merci bien

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Message 1 of 3

There are millions of possible reasons. Once you give a bit more details, we can hopefully narrow it down.

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Message 2 of 3

Yes I do agree.

I think that this problem has appeared with the update of Windows system. I join the initialization stage.

COM 5,6,14,8,9,4 and 7 are connected to the same brand of power supply (TTi) that does not require a specific driver, while COM11 is connected to another power supply with a specific driver.


The VI worked well before the uupdate of Window. After that, COM6 has not been recognized. For the other (5, 14, 8, 9 and 4), I can activate the power supplies but cannot set a value.

Yesterday I again update Windows (because requested), now COM6 (and 5, 8, 9 and 4) can be seen by Labview I can acvtivate the power supplies but still cannot set any value. COM14 is no more seen.


For the power supply with its specific driver located in COM11, it is controllable as it must be.


It you have info about such prb I guess related to the update of Windows (11) system, I would appreciate your help.



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Message 3 of 3