05-21-2010 11:52 AM
05-21-2010 12:07 PM
Set up some sort of SCC system (subversion/sourcesafe/mercurial/git whatever has your preference).
Create a labview project and place some meaningfull labview libraries (lvlib) in them.
Distribute this code over the difference computers via the SCC, and let each of the developers work in their own lvlib. and update if needed.
05-21-2010 12:47 PM
Yes, you can work on the same project, but I dont think the same VI.
Do you have a network drive? You can save the project there.
You can have people work on whatever they would like,
although you will probably get some 'read-only' message if 2 people try to work on the same file simultaneously.
All of my projects are on network drives, it works great.