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question about the programming of a legend

Hi Arvin,

I thank you very much for your quick reply. I think it could help me.
Just some question about your example. Why did you take the numer 100 for the rate and 25 for the number of samples
per channels?
I will check how to implement your example in my program.
By waiting to give my opinions about the results, may I ask you another question different to this topic?

If yes, let know if it is possible with labview to show by running on a waveform chat more differents time (not only
time at begin and at the end of the x-axis on a waveform chat, but also different intermediate time between the both times that man see at the begin and the end of the x-Axis).
By example, I wish to display to the user by running and by stoping the data acquistion not only the ploting of curves
but I wish to give him also the possibilities to read directly differents intermediate time in Hours:Minutes:Secondes, so that he could determine directly which time correponds to any point of the ploted curve.
I hope you understand what I m meaning...
Let see the attached picture that appears only at the begin before the data acquisition. By running I notice that all the intermediate time disppear whith the time's update and there is only to see the times at begin and at end of the x-axis (no intermediate time at more).
Do you have an idea?

thank by adavance for your answer and your aid.


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