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"Automation Open" (ActiveX) to open the Teklynx-Codesoft tool (lppa.exe): "0x8007000E: Ran out of memory" error

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Through an "Automation Open" (ActiveX) I access the tool Codesoft "(Teklynx) to make prints. See the attached Vi.
The Codesoft works with a license on a server or license on a USB stick. If I use the server license everything works fine, instead if I insert the USB key with the license into the PC the "Automation Open" returns the error "0x8007000E: Ran out of memory".
The input for the "Open Automation" (LabelManager2.IApplication) is the "C:\Program Files (x86)\Teklynx\CODESOFT 9\lppa.exe" file.

Has anyone else had this same problem ?
Suggestions to investigate the problem ?
Is there any other way to use CodeSoft with Labview ?

I tried with labview 2012 and 2015. I tried on different PCs with windows 7 and 10. I tried different versions of codesoft: 9 and 2015 without success.

Thanks in advance.

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Message 1 of 6
Accepted by topic author LuigiLena

With the help of the "TEKLYNX" support that produces the CodeSoft the cause of the problem has been found.
It's related to the type of license (not the fact that it is on USB stick or on the network).
For CodeSoft there are various types of licenses but which support the ActiveX are the following two: Top, Enterprise.

Depending on the type of license, ActiveX support is different:

1) "Top" version supports the "ActiveX Basic"
2) "Enterprise" version supports "ActiveX Version2" and also "ActiveX Basic".

In practice with labview for the "automation Open", depending on the type of license, you have to choose the following "Active X" class:

-Top: Type Library = TK Labeling Basic Version 1.01, Objects = ILppxLRT (LppxLT.Application)

- Enterprise à Type Library = TK Labeling ActiveX 6.0. Version 6.0, Objects: Application (lppx2.application)
(In addition to version 6.0 there are other versions)


The two "ActiveX" class have different "objects" (the Basic has only a few "Invoke Node"); the documentation can be found in the CodeSoft installation tree:

- Pop:        C:\Program Files (x86)\Teklynx\CODESOFT 2015\Help\ActiveXLa.chm
- Enterprise: C:\Program Files (x86)\Teklynx\CODESOFT 2015\Help\ActiveXa.chm

So the problem was that the license on the USB stick is of the "Top" type that is not compatible with the "lppx2" used in the VI;
With this type of license you need to use the "LppxLT".


For further info:

The CodeSoft can also be launched by means of a "command line" using the executable "Lppa.exe".
For example, to print on the printer 1 using the file 'pippo.lab the following command can be used:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Teklynx\CODESOFT 2015\Lppa.exe pippo.lab /P1


Message 2 of 6
Accepted by topic author LuigiLena

In the previous post I made a mistake: when you mention the "Top" license, it's actually "Pro".
I.e, in the post when I wrote "Top" it's actually "Pro".

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Message 3 of 6



Does the "Command Line" solution also could set the Barcode Values?

I can use "lppa.exe Label.lab /P1" command to print a default label for lab file,

But I don't know how to set a new Barcode Value (Var0) for the command,

Is it possible to do it with command line?


Thank you!!

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Message 4 of 6
I do not know how to set the Barcode value with the "command line".
I have not found documentation regarding the "lppa.exe".
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Message 5 of 6

Trying to open two different labels, one after the other, I get the error.

It works only if I open and close everything every time.

What am I doing wrong?



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Message 6 of 6