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"InternalServerError" in the NI Package Manager

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so the InternalServerError still pops up whenever I try to search for something. There's no error on the page itself when I click on, say, 'Drivers' where it shows a list and scrolling through the pages shows results. But when I type something into the search function, it still shows up.


EDIT: I tried several times and it's working now, for some reason

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 52

Getting it with LV2023 and LV2020 versions today 7/30/2024 at 7pm EDT. Refresh doesn't work.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 52

I am facing same issue as well. I just installed NI package manager in fresh computer, and I see internal server error.

I am also not able to download LabVIEW 2020 from LabVIEW download page(LabVIEW Download - NI). It looks like only latest versions can be downloaded from online.

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 52

Apologies - there was a brief maintenance window last night, so it's back up now.

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 52

Getting the above-mentioned error with LV2024 Q4 right now.

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 52



I just wanted to browse some new products and, unfortunately, I receive this error:





I will type it again:

There was a problem retrieving available products

Request failed with status code: 'InternalServerError'.

Please check your Internet connection and try again.



I have no idea what else I could do to fix this error. I've tried some ideas that I heard might help, like:

- restarting the PC (without success)
- disabling IPV6 (without success)
- uninstalling and reinstalling the newest NI Package Manager (without success)
- changing the network (without success)

- check if port 443 works (it works, and still without success)


Does anyone have a fix idea, please? In the meantime, I'll keep looking. But so far, I haven't found anything.

I need the Package Manager to download some new add-ons to my projects and without it, it's impossible. Look what happened when I tried to install NI-VISA, NI-Serial (of course, from browser):



Can't wait for a reply.

Thank you very much,



0 Kudos
Message 26 of 52

So, a possible fix (weird one, to be honest... but it works. In desperation, you try all possibilities, and look, I managed to achieve something..)

I'm going to post the results step by step:


1. NI Package Manager just opened and the classic error pop-up.


Screenshot 2024-08-07 143715.png

2. All you have to do, is to press multiple clicks on "Tools Network" for example or commuting between products and click on them until:



Screenshot 2024-08-07 143443.png


As you can see, it works. Some products just appeared.

For sure, you are looking for something else so just search it on the right corner (step 4)



Screenshot 2024-08-07 143518.png


After pressing "Enter", "13 results" were found so... something is behind. Now, just press multiple times "Enter" until:



Screenshot 2024-08-07 143601.png


What do you think about this, guys? Maybe someone can figure out what's behind this error now, based on what was seen above.

Thank you,


0 Kudos
Message 27 of 52

This error is not due to an issue on your machine or your site -- but a problem with the NIPM backend on It had another downtime overnight (CST) but is back up this morning. When it's in this degraded state, there unfortunately isn't much you can do. This is definitely being worked on, so again apologies for the downtime.

Message 28 of 52



I am currently getting the InternalServerError.

Is there a page showing the current server status? Do you post notices for planned downtime?





0 Kudos
Message 29 of 52

Facing the same issue right now

0 Kudos
Message 30 of 52