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"No suitable device found" error when trying to link Kinesis (32 bit for 64 bit) to Labview (2020 32 bit)

I am trying to connect Kinesis to Labview following these instructions:


I was able to pull up the .net but it shows as disconnected even though the machine is turned on and plugged into the computer. The original Kinesis app can pull up the device but LabView says that there is "no suitable device found"


I went through all the instructions again and I believe I have done everything correctly. 


Can anyone help?


Attached are some screenshots 

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6

You are using LabVIEW 2020, and from the Kinesis link for ThorLabs that you provided, the ThorLabs LabVIEW drivers appear to be created for LabVIEW 2012.  Have you contacted ThorLabs for help?  Is this product still compatible with the current release of LabVIEW?


I didn't understand the parenthetical comment in your Message Title -- is it a typo?


Bob Schor

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

I think that means 32-bit Kinesis software on 64-bit Windows for LV 32-bit.


One of the images shows 4 channels on the motor controller. If your device is multi channel, then maybe you have to specify the channel number in the property node where you specify the device serial number. See page 30 of the Kinesis-labview document you referenced. I've only use single channel KCube devices so I'm not sure.  Also I can't open you LabVIEW code because I only have LV2015.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hello, miataylor1231.

I encountered the exact same problem with my Thorlabs KPC101 Piezo controller. I have tried multiple ways of addressing the issue but none have proved effective. Have you found a way to solve this issue? If you have, would you please mind sharing it with me. 


All the best.



0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

First, can you just confirm that you're not running the LabVIEW code while anything else is using the controller?  Either the Kinesis app, or other applications/services (including ones from other users that might have left them running but logged out).


Assuming that's not it, I don't use Piezo controllers myself but there are two things I can show you that might help you figure it out.


First, you can run this code to see what devices Thorlabs sees on your system, to make sure the DLLs can see your devices at all:


That first node is an invoke node, so you will have to get it by placing an invoke node, then right-clicking to choose "Select Class ► .NET ► Browse...", then choose Thorlabs.MotionControl.FTD2xx_Net.dll, then the FTDI object inside that, then specifically choosing the AllDeviceInformation static method call.  


For the second I would need to see your code to see how you're doing it now, but most devices start up like this:




However, multichannel devices start up like this:




It may help to post your own thread as well as your own code and the exact error message you get.  Since this thread is about 4 years old, you're unlikely to get help from the original poster as they haven't posted since then.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6





From the above, I can at least say that the DLLs are seeing the device properly. 


Then, on you second point: I am using the prescribed method from the Thorlabs manual (check page 15) found at the following link (

It is almost exactly the same as the code you mentioned. 

I am still struggling, however, to get the .NET control to connect to the Piezo controller. I even reach out to Thorlabs Tech support and am currently awaiting their advice.  


I will make the thread, as you suggested, if they are unable to help me. 


In the meantime, thank you for your help. You really know your stuff. 

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Message 6 of 6