12-21-2015 10:42 AM
OK, Lets go there. (I'll Chime In!)
DAQmx Tasks (Scales and other objects) can be:
In ANY case the DAQmx Task is defined in a human readable file.
Let me say that again In ANY case the DAQmx Task is defined in a human readable file!
MAX knows where to look for objects defined and pertisted to MAX. Open a *.lvproj file in IE and see the DAQmx objects defined in text in that file! Open the NI-DAQ folder the app builder places in the *.exe directory and (Whoomp) there they is!
DAQmx Objects are defined in human readable text files! I really like that about DAQmx!
12-21-2015 10:45 AM
12-21-2015 11:47 AM
@Dennis_Knutson wrote:
I'll change my mind when I don't write programs for use in production testing. Making the tasks visible and changeable in MAX is a very bad idea for those applications.
Yeah, Users that change Task properties is "Bad" ....Continuation Engineers that have the ability to set a production machine state for troubleshooting is "Good".... Its a balancing act. I have gone each way myself. Still, the user can either get into the xml hell or the NI DAQ folder or the vi source. At some point the DAQmx objects are rendered into human readable text. OR, there is a disconnect and the Object is defined twice and cannot be accessed outside the app you designed. External access is often needed.
12-21-2015 12:02 PM
I've gotten to the point where I have considered just importing a *.nce file in the pre-UUT loop for high mix systems. Continuation Engineers love those files despite the fact that they don't often know what they do for their "Next Generation Universal Test System"