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quotient & remainder bug

For sure there is a problem with your VI.

If I really want to calculate Q&R of 1 and 2.0000000000001E-1 it outputs 5 and -4.996E-14 instead of the correct results 4 and 0,19999999...

The point is there is no way for the Q&R function on floats to determine what is a logical result for a human.

LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW

Message 11 of 95

Sorry guys, I agree with Anthony in that this is unacceptable.  Since it is a problem for everyone, I can't see that everyone should take the time and effort to create their own library, or take the time and effort to add extra code to counteract the innacurate floating point representations.  This is a very tremendous duplication of effort amongst the entire community.  NI makes Labview, so NI should come up with a library of floating point functions that take this problem into consideration, and give expected results.  The makers of VB and C compilers, and others, should do the same thing.  Anthony's attached Quotient/Remainder vi is an example of how NI's function should operate.  If a known problem exists, why not have NI fix it?

It would result in a huge improvement in Labview, and a good marketing claim too, if Labview had a set of floating point math functions that would give expected results.  Instead of accepting this quite known and understood problem, lets ask NI to improve Labview so that we don't all have to spend time fixing the same problems over and over.

- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
Message 12 of 95


I agree with you.  Yes, it's a known problem, but why continue to live with limitations that really do not make sense.

In this example, a routine could be implemented to determine the number of significat digits, then multiply by 10E(#sign digits) before doing the Quotient & Remainder, thus "bypassing" the limitations of Floats.  It should be built-in..

Nevertheless, as a practice, I always validate the functionaliity of vi's before they are released..  😉



Message 13 of 95

Exactly what I mean, JLV.  We should have a library of floating point math fuctions that do things like this.  Even if the inputs have to be strings so that the number of significant digits could be determined.  The functions should do the rounding to give accurate results.

As a practice, I too have to validate everything.  It takes an extra effort to do this with floats, an effort that can be eliminated by proper behavior of math functions.  A simple calculator can give the correct answer to 1 divided by 0.2, and so can Labview's divide function.  So why can't Labview's Q/R function do the same?

- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
Message 14 of 95

@tbob wrote:

So why can't Labview's Q/R function do the same?

----  keeps us employed ----  😉

😄 😄 😄 😄 😄


Message 15 of 95

tbob a écrit:

Exactly what I mean, JLV.  We should have a library of floating point math fuctions that do things like this.  Even if the inputs have to be strings so that the number of significant digits could be determined.  The functions should do the rounding to give accurate results.

As a practice, I too have to validate everything.  It takes an extra effort to do this with floats, an effort that can be eliminated by proper behavior of math functions.  A simple calculator can give the correct answer to 1 divided by 0.2, and so can Labview's divide function.  So why can't Labview's Q/R function do the same?

LabVIEW does give the correct answer to both 1/.2 and 1.0 Q&R 0.2 with the full accuracy available on the inputs. It is not a bug.
What you need is a new function that, when the remainder is equal to the divider up to X user defined digits, sets the remainder to 0 and adds 1 to the quotient.
The rounding off may make sense in your application but it is still an inacurate and truncated version of the Q&R function implemented according to standards in all languages. The result will be less accurate. Implement a library of rounding function if you wish but do not ask to change the actual behavior of math functions. Reducing the accuracy might and will mess all VIs that actually require it.
Using Q&R on floating points numbers is a tricky business. If you can use integer, do it.
Like I wrote in my previous answer,
if I really want to calculate Q&R of 1 and 2.0000000000001E-1 the correct results is 4 and 0,19999999...

Message Edité par Jean-Pierre Drolet le 01-30-2006 01:30 PM

LabVIEW, C'est LabVIEW

Message 16 of 95
You are right, Jean-Pierre, about the Q/R being accurate.  The inaccuracy comes from the inputs being  represented wrongly.  The user means to input a 2, and what the function sees is 1.9999999999901, or something like that.  If this were the real input, Q/R would give the correct output.  What the math library should do is first determine the real input.  Is it 2.0, or is it 1.999....  This can be determined by using strings instead of DBL inputs, or by looking at a the number of digits of precision set by the user, or other ways.  Then the real input can be used as input to the math functions.  I would like to see this all built into a floating point math function library.
- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
Message 17 of 95

Some thoughts:

1. I keep reusing a simple little "approx equal" function I made years and years ago.  It's got 2 inputs for the values to compare plus another input for specifying the precision of the comparison.  If the values deviate by less than the precision, the "approx equal" output is TRUE.  I made it polymorphic with both a DBL and a SGL version.  Each has a default value for precision that's appropriate for the # bits resolution they can represent. 

2. The primitives for Q&R, floating-point ==, etc. shouldn't be changed at this point in the game.  They already follow the accepted IEEE standards.  The tech communicty would never stand for LV suddenly producing different results.

3. A set of additional limited-precision functions might be useful though -- provided they aren't easily confused with the standard ones.  At minimum, they should not start on the same palette as the IEEE-compliant functions.  The icons would need to be distinct.  Maybe they could require a precision-specifying input?   

However, having not thought it through very far, the implementation may get tricky.  Example: would you sometimes limit the precision of the inputs before applying the operator?  Or do you only apply limits to the output?  Do you always round?  Or would you sometimes truncate?

-Kevin P.

ALERT! LabVIEW's subscription-only policy coming to an end (finally!). Permanent license pricing remains WIP. Tread carefully.
Message 18 of 95

My idea is to leave the current functions alone and create a new set of functions for floating point operations, hence a floating point math library.  Since the problem we all see is a result of the inputs being represented inaccurately, the rounding should always take place with the inputs.  If someone sets an input to 2.0, it should not be 1.999999....  In this special library, the digits of precision would have to be known and could be obtained if the inputs were strings.  If the user wanted 3 precision digits, he would type 2.000.  If he wanted 6 precision digits he would type 2.000000.  This would solve lots of problems and ensure the correct output when using floating point numbers.  Even the equal function would output expected results.

Again, its not the functions themselves, they work fine.  It is the error between the intended inputs and the actual numerical representation of the input.

- tbob

Inventor of the WORM Global
0 Kudos
Message 19 of 95

The number of significant digits would have to be strictly defined...

I tried a quick vi to test out the proposed solution... works great... with small numbers..   When numbers go beyond 3 decimal points and / or has a large integer value, then it throws off the accuracy... and we're back tosquare one (gee... reminds me of the early computing days...  😉  )  Hummm....  this may not be as simple as it seems to accommodate all the strange floating point numbers we could toss at it..

But a fun exercise nonetheless..



Message 20 of 95