08-17-2012 01:31 AM
Thank you for everyone's help and comments.
I reworked the error wires for the "close reference" functions. The program output still isn't correct. By running in highlight execution mode I can see that the correct file is going into the Invoke Node "Workbooks/open". But out of that node there's an error that reads "ERR -2146827284". I can't find information on this error code. I would really appreciate additional help. Thank you again.
08-17-2012 02:14 AM
That error covers a number of error in the Excel Application interface. In this case I think it is a 'File Not Found' Error. The Filename string input to the 'Workbooks/Open invoke node must include the path to the files. Add a Build path and path to string just before the input to Filename
08-17-2012 02:15 AM
1.The vi expects the file path..you have wired just the file name.
2.As previously mentioned you have closed the workbook refnum early before coming to second iteration.
3.I dont see any use of while loop there.
Attached the modified vi
08-17-2012 11:52 AM
Nijams, thank you for your message.
I am unable to open the file you posted. I'm usng LabView 8.6 and I'm getting the error that your .vi is a newer version 9.0. Is there a way that the file can be downconverted so I am able to read it? Thank you again.
08-18-2012 07:21 PM
I was able to kluge together this program that seems to be working ok. I think it will work for my purposes. Thanks a lot for all the help.
Nijams if it might be possible to convert the program you posted on 8-17 from LabView 9.0 to 8.6 I'd greatly appreciate it so I might access it and study your solution.
08-20-2012 01:05 PM
You can also try posting to the forum linked below to get a VI converted.
Version Conversion
Tim O
08-20-2012 02:20 PM
Thank you Tim O. I just posted to the forum you suggested.
08-21-2012 12:02 AM
Unfortunately i was not able to down convert.I have attached the snippet
08-22-2012 12:16 AM
Nijams, thank you for your message. Your VI was converted at this site:
12-23-2012 04:16 AM
hi is it possible to read the excel next ,next.....cell values automatically
thanks in Advance