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reduce sampling time output

Hi all,


So let me preface this by saying that I am a novice at LabView. I have some experience at C and Matlab, but very little with SIMULINK and none with LabView. 


My problem is that I have a few sensors that will be running for 24 hours, this would output nearly a million data points. What I would like to do is to have the code run such that every 6 seconds (60 times less often than the 10Hz sampling it is currently doing). Ideally, it would average the previous 60 points to produce 1 point. 


I have tried a few things already, but have basically 0 understanding of how they work and why they are not working correctly.

I tried: 

Sample Compression, this actually worked fairly well. It averaged my 60 points and out put it. However, I got the exact same number of data points as I did without using it. And, the time gave a weird reading (3.2*10^9) rather than the typical seconds that counted up.


Mean: Worked similarly to sample compression, except the averages at the start were low since it called upon values when t<0, and those were all 0. But after 6 seconds it worked similarly. And the sizing remained the same


1D Decimation after the mean, this did not actually output anything. Which is weird cause I thought it would have.


If someone would be able to provide me with an explanation of how I should go about doing this, that would be really helpful. I have this feeling that this question should be easy, but I have no idea how to trouble shoot these ideas.


Thanks for your time,


0 Kudos
Message 1 of 6
One obvious and simple way is to just request 6 seconds worth of data with each read. It's basic arithmetic where number of samples/samples per second = acquisition time. The loop is a bit unresponsive so you might want to consider getting 1 second at a time and just append the new array to the previous. The mean function will work just fine.
Message 2 of 6

Hey Dennis!

Thank you very much for your help and time. And this going to sound really bad, but I don't even know how to go about doing that. As well as, we are printing to scopes before we output to LVM, so it would be beneficial to still read/sample at this rate. Thanks



0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6
Are you using the DAQ Assistant or the DAQmx functions? Have you configured the acquisition in MAX or in your code?

I don't understand what you mean by 'printing' to scopes.
Message 4 of 6

DAQ Assistant, which then splits into 10 different signals. These 10 signals are displayed on to charts in real time. As for your second question, I don't know. It was setup by someone who knew more than I do. 

I attached what I am working with if that helps, there are a few things doing nothing cause I was just seeing if I could get them to work.

Thanks again for your time,



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6
Sorry, I'm posting from my phone and can't look at the VI. Attach an image of the DAQ Assistant setup and your block diagram, please.
Message 6 of 6