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report generation

Dear All


I am using Labivew 2010, with window 7 of 64bit. My labview have report genration tool kit for HTML only. it doesn't have for office. Is there any solution for this or should i have to buy? and How much to costs?



Thank you

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Message 1 of 3

try to reinstall your report generation toolkit. this works on me (LV 8.5 ver). the link below teaches us how to do it properly.

Ivel R. | CLAD
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 3

Dear Bstart,


If you don't have the report generation toolkit, you can find more information about this product under this link. There are two kinds of Labview add ons; toolkits and modules. A toolkit uses standart Labview components so it is possible (with enough time investment) to create a toolkit with the same functionality by your self. This is not the case for Modules.

So you are able to create a toolkit with functionality similar to the report generation toolkit, the report generation toolkit is using ActiveX  components to communicate with the Microsoft Office products, so you need to know which activeX components to talk to.


Best regards,

Martijn S
Applications Engineer
NI Netherlands
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