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reset du buffer DAQ


J'aimerai savoir comment faire pour remettre à 0 mon buffer car il me dit d'augmenter la taille de celui-ci mais le problème c'est que je fais l'acquisition de signaux numériques en continue et je ne connais pas le temps que cela dure car il est variable. En fait, je charge mes données et je les enregistre dans un fichier binaire. Donc voila j'aimerai comment faire car il me met l'erreur 200279 au bout d'un certain temps. Est ce qu'il y a un moyen de lui dire qu'il peut réécrire dessus un fois que l'on à sauvegardé nos données?

Merci par avance.


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Message 1 of 4

Hi Jeremy,

Good afternoon and I hope your well today.

Thanks for the post.


The best method to perform continous acuqistion of data and save it to a file would be to use the produce/consumer design pattern. This method uses two parallel loops, one to acquire data at a constant rate, and another to save the data to the file - without affecting the acuqisition - which causes the errors your seeing. Please see this knowledebase article for more reference.


Error -200279 or other Buffer Errors During a Continuous, Buffered Acquisition


It is also important to make sure you open the file at the correct time.


Have you looked at any examples from the NI Examples Finder? Also could you post your code?
Kind Regards
James Hillman
Applications Engineer 2008 to 2009 National Instruments UK & Ireland
Loughborough University UK - 2006 to 2011
Remember Kudos those who help! 😉
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Message 2 of 4
just to inform you Hillman. This is a non picture document.

Besides which, my opinion is that Express VIs Carthage must be destroyed deleted
(Sorry no Labview "brag list" so far)
Message 3 of 4

Hi All,

Coq Rouge/t06afre

Thanks for the information. I will update this document. Keep up the great work - please let me know of any others.  



How did the above information find you? Are you still having any problems with your applications? 

Kind Regards
James Hillman
Applications Engineer 2008 to 2009 National Instruments UK & Ireland
Loughborough University UK - 2006 to 2011
Remember Kudos those who help! 😉
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Message 4 of 4