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run time engine, Error of type 1002208

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I want to build an exe  using LV 8.6 development (project builder).    When I finished the project in LV8.6 development, it works ok.  But When I copy the project (include the exe file) to the computer installed only run-time engine (standard) and Measurement & Automation Explorer, V4.0.0.3010, The screen indicates "  VI has an error of type 1002208, The full development version of LV is required to fix the errors."    Is there anything wrong when I build the application?  Thank you.



0 Kudos
Message 1 of 12

There could be something wrong with the way that you have built the application or the fact that you did not create an installer and use that.


What does the VI do? Does it use DAQ, GPIB, VISA, dynamically called VIs, analysis routines, toolkits? By itself, MAX does nothing to help a vI run. You would normally install a hardware driver with MAX.

Message 2 of 12

Hi Dennis,


  When i built the application, I didn't build an installer into the project.  I pretty much followed the HELP in LV 8.6 example: Build a stand-alone application.


The vi is mainly to read the TC signal and voltage signal from the computer connected to a scxi-1000 chassis and modules (scxi-1102 etc.)    Yes, the vi called the sub vi (like DAQmx  Created Channel [AI Temperature-Thermocouple].vi; DAQmx etc.).  When I built the exe file, I have placed these vis into "always included" under "source file" category.  Thank you.




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Message 3 of 12
Accepted by topic author Hsien
It does not matter whether you included the VIs or not (nor was it necessary). What you have to do is install DAQmx on the other pc. All hardware requires drivers and the driver is not included in your exe. Skipping the creation of an installer is seldom a good idea except with the most basic of VIs that you build. When you create an installer, the LabVIEW runtime will be included and you have the option to include the installers for hardware drivers such as DAQmx, MAX itself, and your MAX configuration.
Message 4 of 12



Problem solved.  Thank you with lots of appreciate. 



0 Kudos
Message 5 of 12


I am currently facing the same error message with an executable under LV2009. I wanted to know what solved the issue: either installing drivers, or creating an installer (in my case the application does not rely on any hardware).

Thanks in advance.

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 12


You do not need to have an installer for the application to run, but you do need to have any drivers that are being used by the code installed on the computer where it will be run, as well as the run-time engine for the version of LabVIEW that was used to create the application.  Installers are nice in that they can package these additional installers with the installer for the exe so that you don't have to go through the separate steps of installing the run-time engine and drivers.

I hope this clarifies things.



0 Kudos
Message 7 of 12

Hi Christina,

Thanks for your answer. I guess I did not pick up the right runtime engine from the NI website. Or maybe it has something to do with the successive patches of LV 2009.



0 Kudos
Message 8 of 12

Hi,I have met the same problem,I just want to build exe not installer,Labview 2010,but the error is "unable lto ocate the labview runtime engine".I follow the user manual to new the application,I don't know what I have missed during setting?

0 Kudos
Message 9 of 12

Hey Ashleysz,


Is the exe running on a different computer? and does that computer have LabVIEW on it?  If not you will likely need to either make an installer or download the run time engine here:



Eric L.
Applications Engineering Specialist
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 10 of 12