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save data chart

Hello all,


I am using daqmx to acquire signals and display them on a chart, I need to save datas on excel with the method "export to excel", labview generate a temporary file "lvtemporary_*****.tmp".


At this point, I am unable to save and close that file programmatically, I tried with toolkit "excel report generation" without success.


Is there a way to save an excel file which is open ? (See the example attached)


Or maybe should I change the architecture and use express VI "write in a measurement file"


Thanks for your answers



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     Are you trying to save the data (i.e. a row or column of points) or a graph (a picture/plot of the data) in Excel?  Both are fairly easy to do with the Report Generation Toolkit.  If you use the Search function in this Forum and type the word "Revised " (without quotation marks but with a space after it), you will find a demo that uses the Report Generation Toolkit to make an Excel Workbook with both data and an Excel Plot of those data.  Note that this is not putting the LabVIEW graph itself into Excel, but rather is asking Excel itself to create a plot from the 2D data that we pass to it.


     I tried to design this so it is pretty self-explanatory.  It is written in LabVIEW 2013, so you should be able to open it with LabVIEW 2014.


Bob Schor

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