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seebeck coefficient Measurement



can you please add this "" the slope of dV versus dT "". I mean that there is voltage vs time and delta T vs time in the vi I sent. Could you please add this in to my vi. and one more thing is that Pt or Pt/Rh. You mean I should cut those wires and insert them into system or use them as thermocouple and measure somehow. I have Pt and Pt/Rh wire as 0.5 mm thickness. Are they appropriate to do so.

0 Kudos
Message 21 of 32

is this should be like this?



0 Kudos
Message 22 of 32

for measurement yes, you can use Pt wire, say 10 mm length

for the slope : make XY graph, then calculate slope

try and show what you'got

0 Kudos
Message 23 of 32

if you are using Nb wire for voltage source, how you insulate this wire from the thermocouples? Also Nb wire should be used in vacuum, because it is teribly oxidative

0 Kudos
Message 24 of 32

@becidea wrote:

if you are using Nb wire for voltage source, how you insulate this wire from the thermocouples? Also Nb wire should be used in vacuum, because it is teribly oxidative

no, not Nb for voltage source but for measuring dV (I am measuring dV directly through the thermocouple leg via a matrix card). and no, Nb can be used in air

0 Kudos
Message 25 of 32

hi, I am also using thermocouple leg (+ one). K-type thermocuople I am using but the problem is how to subtract voltage coming from thermocuople leg. Also I have Nb wire and for high temperature application , It is oxidiced. My vacuum is not so high, that's why Nb wire's surface becomes white and britle.


So, how to subtract voltage coming from thermocouple leg? please help me on this because I am getting crazy and I have no one to ask.. I appriciat you for this help.Best.

0 Kudos
Message 26 of 32


Imagine you are measuring the thermopower of a Chromel wire with a Chromel/Alumel thermocouple. If you are measuring the voltage through the Chromel wire, you will se that there is no voltage difference even though there is a temperature difference. It is like your sample (Chromel) has S=0. We know that's not correct : you need to correct the value you measure with the absolute value of the leg Chromel.

Here are some S+, S- and S for the K thermocouple S=S+-S-




0 Kudos
Message 27 of 32

0 Kudos
Message 28 of 32

Thank you so much for this information. Sorry to distrub you but I have a comment and question. I am putting my sample bewtween 2 K-type thermocouples. There is one K type on one end and the other K typr on the other end os the sample. Then I connect my Keithley 182 nanovoltmeter cables to the positive leg of K ytpe thermocouples as you can se in the picture.


Here I am measuring voltage coming from my sample and also from thermocouples. Please tell me how to substract this voltage coming from thermocouple. Should I connect two thermocouples together without my sample and create gradient then measure voltage, thus subtract this voltage from voltage coming from sample and thermocouple.


Or I should use another voltmeter and connect somehow: hot to connect if I need to use additional voltmeter.


thank you again nitad. you are the best. I appriciate your help and informations.



0 Kudos
Message 29 of 32


You need to measure three voltages : one for T1, one for T2 and one for dV. How do you measure right now ?

please make a sketch


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Message 30 of 32