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send Data from labview to matlab in realtime


i create a vi in labview and i want send the labview vi outputs to matlab in realtime by udp or tcp or ... and process on data same time, please help me if u know 

Message 1 of 9
Initially, I think that you could use ActiveX. Block Diagram - Automation Open. Right-click automation Refnum and select ActiveX Class. Look for Matlab.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 9

i dont know how to use it ! how can i send the x value to matlab and call it in matlab


0 Kudos
Message 3 of 9

 i heard simplest way is matlab script , i dont know how to use and call value in matlab , anyone know ?

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 9

Have you read the help documentation for the matlab script?


What is it you're actually trying to do.  Posting jpgs with portions of your code is about useless.  It's next to impossible to get any information from that.  Generally, using two programs to handle one program's worth of work isn't the best solution.  Why are you complicating the application by doing this?  Is there an actual need or is there just something you don't care to learn in either LV or matlab?

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 9
Yes I read that but I'm confused , I have a image processing project in LabVIEw and I want to process the result(its position value and ...) of vi in matlab , actually someone requested me to do this and I must do this
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Message 6 of 9

@Ramin71_LY wrote:
Yes I read that but I'm confused , I have a image processing project in LabVIEw and I want to process the result(its position value and ...) of vi in matlab , actually someone requested me to do this and I must do this

Sometimes a Project requires expertise in two different areas (such as expertise in two programming paradigms).  When this happens, we all face a choice -- either gain the expertise (which requires time, study, effort, sometimes money), use the expertise we know and "shoe-horn" the other problem into our area of comfort (for example, using LabVIEW to build a relational Database "because I know LabVIEW"), or hire/sub-contract with someone having the missing expertise.


On the other hand, occasionally we are asked to use an inappropriate technology because someone else thinks it would be a "good idea".


It sounds like you are in one of these two situations.  Without knowing more about what you are really doing, I'm not in a position to make a recommendation on how to proceed.  Off-hand, since LabVIEW does have an entire Toolkit devoted to Image Processing and using images in Industrial Control, it would seem reasonable to stick with LabVIEW for the entire project, thereby avoiding the complications of getting two different systems (LabVIEW and Matlab) to communicate efficiently with each other.


One final question -- what do you mean by "realtime"?  What is your requirement?  To many LabVIEW users, "realtime" implies determinacy, a guaranteed minimum response time, not necessarily "fast".  What I think you may mean is that you want to process the images as fast as they come in so that you don't "miss" any -- is this correct?  If so, you want to take advantage of LabVIEW's inherent ability to parallel process, with one loop acquiring images and a parallel loop processing them.


Bob Schor

Message 7 of 9

Bob is correct, though the vision addon require a license of its own, which might not by possible to get for a number of reasons.

The easiest solution, as i assume you're gonna do the same image processing every time (as opposed to a dynamic set): drop a Mathscript or Matlab node and fill it with the resulting code of your non programmatic attempts in matlab. (You must first make it work manually in Matlab before you can automate it)


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Qestit Systems
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Message 8 of 9

i know what u say , i do whiole image processing project in labview and all of the project output is numeric data and the output of the project must be send to matlab . i know it would better to do the whole project in one programming app but if its not very difficult i want do it because i must do it . 

in my project (for example) a circle thing move and i get the xy position or for rectangle (oriention and ..) and its depends to the camera frame , i think no need very fast transfaring , for this proj realtime is minimum response time and both (matlab and labview) is in a computer

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Message 9 of 9