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series of commands by visa

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Hi all. 
I am trying to control a Corvus microscope stage controller and have had luck in sending individual commands to do what ever I want the controller to do.  I want the controller however,  to move the stage in a scanning motion and to perform this I have to send multiple commands in the proper order.  I have set up my VI a couple of different ways and have got the same results.  The run starts out fine but then the controller must not be able to keep up with the commands from the computer as the stage acts erratically and stops.  The most commands that function properly in a row are 4.  With the x movement command repeated 10 times in a "for loop" and then a y move followed by a x move in the -x direction repeated 10 times then another y movement.  This needs to continue so I can cover as much area as possible.  This is just an initial scan vi as I what to get it to function first before a complicate the movement later.
At first I thought I should buffer the data or add wait periods.  I don't really understand buffers but I added the wait periods in the same frame and in different frames as the Visa and these execute as expected but do not solve the problem.  I will attach the vi so you can see my set up.  If more information is needed say the word.  I am newer to Labview 7 but I think my set up will work as soon as this bug is worked out.
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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by H2Oyeah
never mind I figured it out or at least I figured out how to get it to work within my limits.  If you are interested in the vi it is below.
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Message 2 of 3

Hi H2OYeah,


Although I know that your post is dated back at 2006, there is a similar reason for me to enquire about the VI you have created. Currently I have a Corvus eco microstep controller which I am tasked to do as what you have done, a scanning motion for the microstep controller. I have downloaded your VI as part of my solution to what I am tasked to do, but the current VI attached does not seem to work well as I am unable to have any form of control on the parameters needed to instruct the microstep to have the scanning motion. May I know how I can incorporate your VI into my current preset VI to have the desired function?


Currently I am running LabVIEW 2012, and I have attached my VI. If anyone can help me that would be deeply appreciated!

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Message 3 of 3