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shared variable error 10950679035 when minimizing window of host vi

I've set up and programmed a system for another department.  We are using CompactRIO in scan mode with labview full development system 2009 SP1.   The operators have been getting error 10950679035 and/or 10950679023 (both network shared variable errors) sometimes when the host or target vi's are minimized.  I've been able to duplicate the problem and I've also discovered that they often do not have project explorer open when running.  With project explorer running I have not been able to get the error to occur.  Is it necessary to have project explorer open when running under this type of configuration?  If so, why do errors only occur when minimizing a window if project explorer is not running?

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Message 1 of 6

Hey Dave M-Prx,

Are the variables being hosted on the cRIO or your PC?  Are there any more details that come back with the text of the error messages?  Am I correct in my understanding that this only occurs when you are running VI's that are part of a project independently without the project explorer open?  Are any of your variables bound to front panel controls on the VI's you are minimizing?  Something that may be happening is that when you minimize the VI the priority of the VI decreases so that the variables are no longer updated frequently enough and you recieve a timeout error.  You could try running the variables in a VI with above normal priorty.  This can be set by going to File->VI Properties and selecting the Execution window.  

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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Message 2 of 6

Thanks for your response Kevin.  The variables are hosted on the PC and none of my variables are bound to front panel objects.  When I get one of those messages it will say that it cannot find the variable in the Shared Variable Engine and that an error occured at read (10950679035) or write (1095067023) and list the name of a particular variable.  I just became aware that the individuals running the system had not had project explorer open for quite some time, but cannot say definitively that it only occurs when project explorer isn't open.  I know that when I was still working on the system I had not seen any of these errors and I aways deployed the VI's from the project explorer window.  Also, this PC is dedicated to controlling this system and the only thing that ever runs on this PC besides the target and host VI's is excel for looking at data.  I can try setting the priority higher, but I don't believe that there is a lack of system resources-its a pretty fast PC, my VI's are not very complicated and nothing else is running on the PC.


I suspect that deploying the VI's from the project explorer window rather than desktop shortcuts will solve my problem, I'd just like to confirm.





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Message 3 of 6

Thanks for the additional information Dave.  I would suggest always deploying the variables using the project explorer.  What method were you using to deploy variables using desktop shortcuts?

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6

I'm not really doing anything to deploy the variables separately, just running the VI's that use them.  Do I need to do something more to deploy the variables properly?  When I mentioned deskstop shortcuts, I meant as a way of opening the VI's without opening the project first.

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Message 5 of 6

You will need to explicity deploy the shared variables.  This will happen automatically when you run the VI while the project explorer is open.  Alternatively you can use one of the methods described here  The best way however is to use the project.

Kevin Fort
Principal Software Engineer
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Message 6 of 6