02-05-2015 04:40 PM
I have multiple shared variables in a library (.lvlib). These are all network-published shared variables. I can see the library in Distributed System Manager but not the variables in the library. When I look at the properties page in Share Variables Properties Dialog, aliasing is not enabled because the library is hosted on the same machine as the application.
I tried to run the Shared Variable Monitor application but was given a Runtime Error for TagMonitor.exe; "This application requested Runtime termination in an unusual way. Contact application support team."
I also tried undeploying and deploying the library as suggesting by KB 56PCQ3RR.
Why does Distributed System Manager see the shared variable library but not the shared variables in it?
02-05-2015 07:49 PM
It sounds like there's more than just shared variables not showing up that contribute to the problem. Is it possible to attach the project including the library so we can see if there's anything configured incorrectly that might be causing the behavior?
02-05-2015 11:08 PM
Do you only see this behavior for this library? If you create a new project and add a new library with a single shared variable are you able to write to that variable from a VI in your project and see it update on DSM?
02-06-2015 11:46 AM
First of all, this application has been working without incident for several months now. This problem is brand new.
The project is much to large to post so I'm postings and example.
02-06-2015 11:51 AM
sorry, here the ZIP file
The source VI writes to the display VI via a data bound indicator. The error I get for this sample is that the variable cannot be found. I've undeployed - deployed, undeployed - deployed all and nothing changes. So it must be the Shared Variable Engine, however, Windows Services says all the required NI services are started. I've not been able to stop or start any of them.
02-06-2015 11:53 AM
last remarks ... I'm using LabVIEW 2012 with Windows 7
02-09-2015 12:05 PM
Hello faustina,
Has there been any software or hardware changes on the application since the error occurred? Also I would recommend to format and reinstall the software on your Real-Time target, after this you can follow Matt’s recommendation to test this behavior with a new project and single shared variable.
02-09-2015 12:24 PM
I am not using RT Target. There have been no hardware or software changes to the PC. Do I really need to reinstall the software just to get the Shared Variable Engine to startup?
02-09-2015 12:29 PM
trying to add files again
02-09-2015 12:31 PM
having trouble attaching the file ... is there someplace I can post a zip file?