06-08-2010 02:34 AM
Hello All,
I'm measuring temperature using 2 channels and I would like to have statistical analysis (mean, Stand. deviation, MAX temp...) for both channels.
I used STATISTICS but I get results only for the first channel.
how is it possible to insert a controler and select which channel I 'm interested in each time and get results?
06-08-2010 03:15 AM
I lend my crystalball, so I can't have a look at it.
Please post your vi. we can have a look than and try to help you.
your description is way to general.
06-08-2010 06:26 AM
since you said you have two channels so your data should be in 2-d array ... if thats the case use simple index array function to saperate the data arrays and then perform the tast saperately