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slider mouse up event without polling

Dear all,


I have the following problem: I have a multi panel vi. Within this vi there are some numerical slider. I don't want to use the value change event to et the new data value cause this triggers to much events. So I decided to use "mouse up" event for the slider. I think it is known that if you leave the slider while moving, the slider still moves, but the value at mouse p is`nt triggering a event.


Before LV2009 there was a solution to genervate a dynamic event while the "mouse down" to the whole application for a "mouse up" event. But this isn't supported anymore/not available with LV11.


Is there any new way to do this? 


I hope the question is clear and not to confused...


Thanks a lot for help, best regards

0 Kudos
Message 1 of 5

I think you would have to substitute Mouse Up and Mouse Down for the whole VI with the Mouse Up and Mouse Down for all of the Panes in your VI.

Randall Pursley
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 5


I came up with little workaround. The number of events themselves isn't usually the problem, but processing them is. You may delay processing of your event by waiting until timeout event. Attached vi will explain this idea. But as I said - this is really workaround, and might not be fitting best to your application (depending mainly on other events you are also processing).

If you want to track mouse events globally (in the whole system), the only LV native way that I'm aware of is Input Device Control pallete in Connectivity.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 5

Perhaps you can use this as a starting point.

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 5

Thanks for your suggestions,


but my programm does not allow/I dont want a timeout in the producer loop. So in the old Labview version was a event type for mouse up over the whole scrren (I dont know the name) that is`nt anymore... I just have the problem that the user leave the slide while moving and let the button up. than the slide shows the last value, but the event mouse up is not registrated... And I cant fire so much events while using a "value change". We had the Idea to use these windows Ü.dll call to limit the mouse movement to forbid leaving the slider while changing the value... But that seems to me allthough only as an workaround. 


I think there must be a simple way to chnage the slider value while leaving the slider and not fire constantly evry value change or a timeout in my main loop.

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Message 5 of 5