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slow and timeout error

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Thank you for all your help. I could able to learn a lot and improve my program.


I have few doubts.


1. In my program, during the entire duration of the measurement from both 2400 and 2000, is the voltage set at the value inserted into the 'Format value'. If so how long the voltage is set at this value. Is it till the execution of the loop for one iteration or till the next value is supplied.


2. Why was I asked to change to VISA write from GPIB write? What is the advantage of using VISA over GPIB? Or what is the difference between them.


3. Can I able to use tab key to move across various input in front panel, before running the VI? If so, where should I dictate the tabbing order?


Thank you.



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Message 11 of 12

With each iteration of the loop, a new voltage setting is written to the instrument. The value is dependent on the start, stop, and data points. The calculated step voltage is displayed on the front panel. The time between iterations is the delay setting plus whatever time it takes to set and then read.


VISA is a portable api. VISA functions work with GPIB/RS232/USB/Ethernet without changing code. GPIB functions only work with NI GPIB controllers. VISA has been the standard for quite a few years now. Wiring your VISA Write to the string is silly. There should be no strings that define the VISA Resource Name. Use the appropriate control. 


You can define a tabbing order (Edit>Set Tabbing Order) but this does not apply when the VI is idle. You should edit the VI so that when it starts, the user can enter data and then press a go button.

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Message 12 of 12