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state machine activation

Hi NI family!


I'm a student developing a program in which state machines are called from a main state machine, it's like a master/slave structure with a master state machine and some slave state machines. How can I make this call? can i use notifiers for that? I know how to send the notifier from the master state machine, but what do I do to activate the slave state machine?


Thx in advance to all of you!

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Message 1 of 3

I can think of two ways.


One is to have the slave state machines running in parallel while loops.  They run all the time but sit in an idle state waiting for the notification. Set the notifier timeout to -1m meaning that it will never timeout and the loop will just sit there waiting for the notification. When the notification is sent, the slave state machine performs its task and returns to the idle state to await the next notification. If you use this method, you must also send a Halt notification to tell the slave loop to exit when you are ready to close the program.


The other method is to put the slaves in subVIs and call those subVIs via VI Server methods.



Message 2 of 3

Thank you so much!

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Message 3 of 3