Ravens .. sorry for the confusion ...
1. In the option 3 (in which I have the problems .. dont pay attention to the others 😉 ), I have a for loop that runs only once because I need that when I press the Boolean Switch the step moves to the next number 1 to 2 (count the next number) and I need the shift register to hold the value and be added by the next value. This must to happen every second. In this case the Boolean Switch must to be pressed during the change of every second and then coming back to the normal position, otherwise the steps will be running all the time and not every second.
2. The wires that I have are options that I created to see which one is going to work. The only one that is working is the first one that is connected to the outer case. I mean works only in the conditions that I explained before.
3. You are absolutely right about the division of the two integers. For some reason I didnt check that .. !! .. but even if I change that the code is not working in the way that I need.
Thanks again for the suggestions .. !