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struct and eval functions alternatives for mathscript


Is there an alternative for struct and eval functions to be used in mathscript?


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Message 1 of 4

Hi Yazin,


What are you trying to achieve in your project? In what context are you using your functions and why are you trying to avoid using them? What problems are you running into when you are using these functions? Is there an error that comes up when you are using these functions? 


Thanks for letting me know! Your answers will help me in assisting you further with this issue. 



Message 2 of 4
I'm using I Matlab toolbox in LabVIEW which uses these functions, I want to embedd my LabVIEW code in myrio, so I need to convert the Matlab script to math script.
The struct function is not supported by LabVIEW and the eval caused some errors in the math script.
I hope you can help me...
0 Kudos
Message 3 of 4

Hi Yazin, 


Eval functions are not supported by the myRIO sincce it uses the Real Time Engine. The following document highlights this:


Structs are supported in LabVIEW. The following document shows how mathscript creates structs:


I executed the example on my LabVIEW, which did work. Why are you using the eval function? What is the purpose of the Mathscript in your code and what are you goals for your project? What are you trying to accomplish? 



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Message 4 of 4