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switch case structure to true on click, then back to false after time

What I am trying to do is have a case structure switch to the true case when the user presses a button.  The case structure will switch, which begins a time elapse, which then trigers several more cases.  When the elapse is done, I want the case to switch back to false, and stay there until the user again clicks the button. 


Currently, the booleen is in switch mode on press, so when the time has elapsed, the case switches back and forth several times before stopping.  Attached are pictures of true and false cases.



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Got it.  Brain fart.
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This sounds like you should consider using a state machine. The basic structure of a state machine is a case structure inside a while loop. The states can be defined as strings or a typedefed ENUM. You can use a simple shift register on the while loop to pass the the next state into the state machine or use could use a queue (my prefered method). If you need to process user requests as well then I would suggest using a producer consumer architecture. Your producer would be an event structure inside a while loop which catches the user events and the consumer would be your state machine. In this architecture it is best to use a queue for your state machine.

Mark Yedinak
Certified LabVIEW Architect
LabVIEW Champion

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Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald - Gordon Lightfoot
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