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system exec takes too much time to execute

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Hello everyone,

I need to make some calculations by calling execution file from LabVIEW, like adding two numbers and give back the result.
I attached an example.
but in my project this operation should be executed in less than 100ms.

and here it takes almost 1-second to open the command prompt and execute.


but when I call the execution directly from the CMD (without LabVIEW) it doesn't take more than some ms.

even when calling it from Test-stand using EXE-Call it takes only a few ms.

but when calling it from LabVIEW is takes more than 1-second

any advice?
Thanks in advance.



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Message 1 of 4



since we don't have your CLI- program, we can't test your setting. As a hint:

  • I would try to pass the arguments via the command line
  • I would try to pass the exact executable path to avoid CMD to search for the executable via the %path%- setting


Greets, Dave
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Message 2 of 4

Sorry, cannot currently look at your VI (consider "save for previous, 2020 or below before attaching), but just adding two numbers is probably more easily done directly. How complicated is the calculation and what would it take to implement it in LabVIEW, avoiding the middleman?

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Message 3 of 4
Accepted by topic author ZezoElec

Thank you for you reply,
actually my executable is more complex, but I gave a simple example.
I solved the problem by wiring the terminal 'run minimized?' to a true boolean.
so, my command is executed without waiting the command prompt to open.

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Message 4 of 4