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tabbed panel display by user menu selecton

Although I am new to programming in LabView, in the past, before the demise of Smalltalk, I was a software developer. Since I have not yet mastered LabVIEW, I apologize, in advance, if this query appears naïve.


I have created run-time menus for the configuration, initialization, and running of a motion control system. Only the configuration menu has been partially populated with submenu tasks of defining axis configuration, and Motion I/O settings, because my problem is obvious with only these two submenu tasks.


I would like the front panel to display only those controls and indicators pertinent to a submenu choice made. Toward that end, and as seen in the attached, within a while structure I have created an event structure. The user menu selection, via its item tag, transfers execution to that case which performs the requisite task.


I would like to simplify the front panel display by placing submenu tasks on separate tabbed panels which are automatically displayed by the menu choices. I don’t want the user to have to select the tab to display the panel with the parameter controls and indicators associated with the chosen task. The attached vi fails because the user must make the tab choices.


I believe that it is possible to display one front panel, from many possible, through programmed tab control, driven by the user selection from a run-time menu. If this can be done, can someone show me how to program such changes.

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All you need to do is create a local variable that links to your Tab Control.


Then write to it every time you want to force the Tab Control to go to a specific page.


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